Music in Bloomsbury with Organist Online
Organ Day  28 January 2017
4.00 - 5.00

Dame Gillian Weir DBE

Three selected soloists place themselves before the all-seeing eyes and all-hearing ears of Dame Gillian Weir, who will analyse their performances, ensuring that they strive towards the highest standards possible.

Dame Gillian herself needs no introduction on these pages, but should you want to read a bit about her, please follow this LINK.

The players and pieces for the masterclass are (but not, necessarily in this order:

 Konstantin Gensitskiy
Johann Sebastian Bach Either two movements from Bach - Trio Sonata 1 or
Fantasia in G (Piece d'Orgue)

Hannah Gibson
Caesar Franck Chorale 2

Ashley Wagner
Felix Mendelssohn
Adagio and Allegro vivace assai from Sonata no 1 in F Minor

Konstantin Gensitskiy pursues a well rounded career as an organist and pianist. He is educated to Masters level and also holds a string of performing diplomas.

Hannah Gibson studied in Birmingham and Vienna and recently completed her Masters degree. She has held a number of posts in Worcester and Wolverhampton and played at many notable places across the UK.

Ashley Wagner is Organ Scholar of Birmingham Cathedral, studying at the Birmingham Conservatoire, and Scholar-Elect of Worcester Cathedral.

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