Music in Bloomsbury with Organist Online
Organ Day  28 January 2017
1.30 - 2.15

The Orgelbüchlein Project - Update
William Whitehead

When Bach was planning his Orgelbüchlein collection (somewhere around 1713), he prepared a manuscript with place for 164 titled chorale preludes. In the long run, he only completed 46 of these, leaving the spaces for the other 118 blank.

The Orgelbüchlein Project (initiated and now curated by William Whitehead) is an international enterprise dedicated to providing chorale preludes to fill the 118 gaps. Peters Edition is planning to publish the Gesamtorgelbüchlein, probably in 2017.

You can find out a lot more about The Orgelbüchlein Project HERE,

William Whitehead introduces us to the concept, lets us know how things have and are progressing, and gives us the opportunity to hear some of the new pieces.

This presentation will include the world première of Gib Fried’, O frommer, treuer Gott (Frederick Stocken) which would have been No. 124 in Orgelbüchlein, and other pieces.

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