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Home > Marienkirche > Marienkirche London - Permanent Organist

Organist Required

St Marien mit St Georg, 10 Sandwich St, London WC1H 9PL

Extract from Scheidt's choralbuch
An extract from Scheidt's
Tablature-Buch 1650.
Part of the heritage of an organist in a
German Lutheran church

The German Church of St Marien mit St Georg in Central London is seeking an organist. A fee of £65 is offered for each of three services per month (2nd & 3rd Sunday: 11.00 am, 4th Sunday: 3.00 pm) and for any other services required (such as Good Friday and Christmas Eve). The annual amount will be about £2,600. As two, and occasionally three Sunday mornings are free each month, and also, for instance, Christmas Day and Midnight Mass, it's easy to combine this position with much playing in other churches.

There is no pre-determined holiday period and Sundays off are mutually agreed. On these days, the congregation itself manages to find deputies.

It is not essential to speak German, or to have experience of Lutheran worship, but a knowledge of these would be useful.

Extract from Luther's German Mass of 1526
An extract from Luther's
German Mass 1526.
Another part of the heritage of an organist in a
German Lutheran church

There is interest within the congregation for the formation of a choir. A candidate who could offer this option as well (for extra payment) would be welcome.

During these times of Covid restrictions, an organist who could contribute remotely to a Zoom service, or supply MP3s of the hymns, would be welcome.

The post of organist in St Marien mit St Georg stands in the living, unbroken tradition of German Lutheran organists stretching back to Bach and earlier. The Preludium and Postludium of each service are an integral part of the worship (so nobody walks around and talks during these) and, according to the organist's wishes, a shorter or longer prelude may precede each hymn. These may be played from printed copies or extemporised. The liturgical music is straight forward, partially being built on Luther's Mass.

The small, classically voiced organ of two manuals and pedals is well maintained and suits itself well to Baroque music.

A good condition upright piano is also available in the church.

There is the possibility of organising concerts (both for the organist or others) and the central location, close to Kings Cross station, makes the church a locale easy to reach.

The organist, or course, has the right to practise on the organ and piano.

Extract from Luther's German Mass of 1526
Ein' feste Burg
Martin Luther's most
famous composition.

For an informal chat about this post, please feel free to contact

Philip Norman
(07939 064 247 -

For further information about the church in general, please follow this LINK

All applications should be sent to

Pastor Bernd Rapp

The start date will be by mutual agreement.