Organists Online

Free Resources for Organists

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Advertising space is offered on the premier pages of Organists Online for as little as £10 per month (or even £6.67 if you book three months at the same time).

The premier pages of Organists Online are those advertising Freelance Organists Jobs and Permanent Organists Jobs. When these pages are accessed, a series of display advertisements are visible and it's impossible to use the facilities on these pages without seeing these advertisments.These advertisements are downloaded onto computer and smartphone screens over 30,000+ times per month, and are also displayed at other locations around Organists Online.

All of these advertisements link through to a web page of the advertisers choice.

You can view these display advertisements HERE.

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Advertisement Layout

The advertisements are grouped in panels, and the panels are grouped in tiers. On desktop computers and some tablets, they look like this: view or panels and tiers and on smartphones and some tablets, like this: view or panels and tiers

You will notice that these examples show full panel, half panel, and quarter panel adverts.

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Menu - Organists Online

Advertisement Size and Time

Advertising space is available as a choice from:

  1. Full panel, half panel, or quarter panel;
  2. Upper tier, middle tier, lower tier;
  3. One month, two months, three months.

Please remember that any advertisment you place can be linked through to a website of your choice.

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