Organists Online

Free Resources for Organists

Organists Online - Book a Template Based Display Advert

ONLY use this form if you are booking a template based advert.. DO NOT use it for an advert which you have designed yourself.

If you want to book a self-designed advert, please click HERE.

Name (That is, the person who is booking the ad and dealing with the related admin.
Not the person to be contacted about the job, unless they are the same person.):



Your identifier for this ad (just in case you are booking two ads at the same time):

What size do you want?

What position do you want?

For how many months would you like your ad to run?

If you would like an ad in a non-standard place on the site, or for a non-standard time, please contact

From which month would you like your ad to be displayed?:

To which URL (web address) would you like you ad to be linked
(such as or

Now enter the details for your advert

With some browsers, you can drag the lower right hand corner to increase the size of the box.

The upper, smaller, black text area:

The middle, larger, dark red text area text area:

The lower, smaller, black text area:

REMEMBER!!! If lots of text has to be squeezed into your ad, the letters will be small and hard to read, and page-viewers might quickly pass on to another ad.
A small amount text is more likely to catch a viewer's eye. Once this has happened, he/she is more likely to click through to the webpage of your choice.

Select the background you would like:

Do NOT pay until we have confirmed that we can place your advert in the position you want, or have negotiated an alternative.

Also, don't forget to place a free ad on Organists Online HERE . Apart from appearing on the appropriate Organists Online page, it will be emailed to all registered organists for whom your location falls within their travel radius.

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