Organists Online

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Home > Promoting > Design Tips


This page just sums up or expands information given elsewhere so that the design of the advert is easier. You can cross-reference it with the Technical Page, which goes into things more deeply.

Size and Aspect Ratio

It's impossible to state an actual size for an advertisment as the end-viewer can choose any magnification or zoom that he or she wants. In the context of Organists Online ads, the only size criteria are Full Panel, Half Panel, or Quarter Panel.

Aspect Ratio (the actual shape of the advert) is very important if it's going to fit into the space available. There's no need to fret about the mathematics of this. You can either think in cm (width x height):

  1. Full Panel: 10cm x 14cm - Portrait - thin and tall;
  2. Half Panel: 10cm x 7cm - Landscape - wide and short;
  3. Quarter Panel: 5cm x 7cm - Portrait - thin and tall.

but remembering that the cms are just there to help get the proportions right, they are not actual sizes. Each advert will be sized according to the web page by Organists Online and the type of device you view it on.

If you are experienced in graphic design and pixels etc, these are the proportions:

  1. Full Panel: 393 x 569;
  2. Half Panel: 393 x 279;
  3. Quarter Panel: 279 x 191.

If you send an advert that is not in the aspect ratio you have booked, we can batter it into submission and fit it into the space available, but the effect may not be what you want. For instance, here is an image designed for a Full Panel, squeezed into a Half-Panel:

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File Format

This is the type of file, app, or programme in which your advert has been constructed. If you set up the advert in a graphics package, JPG, GIF, and PNGs will be most welcome.

Alternatively, you can set up your advert in a package such as Word or Publisher and send it as a PDF. Embedded fonts would be most welcome, to ensure the end-product is as expected.

As a third possibility, an actual Word, Publisher, or whatever file can be sent and we can extract the image. However, if our version of Word or Publisher is different to yours, the formatting and appearance may change. And, if you have used some package which we don't have, we won't be able to access the file.

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Screen Resolution

Because computer and phone screen have very few pixels per inch compared to actual print, the amount of information which can be included in an advertisement is limited, if it is going to be readable. Big, bold lettering and images are going to catch a readers attention; most won't bother if they have to strain their eyes to see what's there. (However, the on-screen ads do link through to websites, which printed ads cannot do.)

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