Organists Online

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Home > Promoting > Template > Introduction - Template Adverts


Read this page if you are requesting a template based advert.

Advertising space is offered on the premier pages of Organists Online for as little as £10 per month.

The premier pages of Organists Online are those advertising Freelance Organists Jobs and Permanent Organists Jobs. When these pages are accessed, a series of display advertisements are visible and it's impossible to use the facilities on these pages without seeing the advertisments. These advertisements are downloaded onto computer and smartphone screens over 30,000+ times per month, and are also displayed at other locations around Organists Online.

All of these advertisements link through to a web page of the advertisers choice,.

You can view these advertisements HERE.

For these template-based adverts, there is a one-off design fee of £10, as we have to construct the advert for you. However, once this fee has been paid, you can book to use the advert as often as you like on Organists Online with no additional design charges.

Template Advert Page
Menu - Organists Online

Advertisement Layout

The advertisements are grouped in panels, and the panels are grouped in tiers. On desktop computers and some tablets, they look like this: view or panels and tiers and on smartphones and some tablets, like this: view or panels and tiers

Template Advert Page
Menu - Organists Online

Advertisement Size and Time

Advertising space will available after the end of Lockdown as a choice from:

  1. Full panel, half panel, or quarter panel;
  2. Upper tier, middle tier, lower tier;
  3. One month, two months, three months.

Please remember that any advertisment you place can be linked through to a website of your choice.

Template Advert Page
Menu - Organists Online