Music in Bloomsbury with Organists Online
Organ Day  28 January 2017

Background Information

This is the seventh Organ Day to be arranged by Music in Bloomsbury and Organists Online. In contrast to previous years, we have not tried to maintain a consistent theme across the day, but rather ttaken a series of snapshots of some of the interesting things going on in the organ world.

Paul Hale, our Celebrity Recitalist, will be talking about the organ builder JJ Binns and William Whitehead will be giving us the latest information about The Orgelbüchlein Project. As a new venture for these organ days, we will have a Masterclass, run by one of the world's most famous organists, Dame Gillian Weir and , as usual, during the afternoon there will be a series of short recitals by Alex Binns and students from the RCO Academy.

Throughout the afternoon, it will be possible to purchase organ-related music and CDs and there will be good time to meet each other and exchange news and views.

Finally, one of the most excellent and famous Bloomsbury Buffets will be available from 5pm until the start of the Celebrity Recital at 6pm.

Finally, and best of all, all the afternoon events are free.

Here is the day's programme:

Throughout the day, you can come and go as you like, but it would help the organisation very much if you could register your intention of coming. REGISTER HERE.

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