Rev Nick Morgan
St Mary's Church
High Street
Boston Spa. LS23 6DR
LS23 6DR
Musical Requirements:
The role of Assistant Organist at St Mary’s provides opportunities to play for services, gain choral conducting and choral training experience, and engage in recruitment to the choir. St Mary’s Church offers an SATB, robed choir, supportive clergy (some of whom are trained musicians themselves), a thriving Anglican liturgical tradition (using Common Worship), and an appreciative, growing, friendly congregation. St Mary’s Church is engaged in the life of the village of Boston Spa, regularly hosts concerts and community events and is outward-looking. We are part of a group of five churches called The Bramham Benefice in the Diocese of York.
The role of the Assistant Organist
• to support the Organist & Director of Music
• to accompany the Choir and Congregation as requested
• to be a member of the Choir when not engaged in other duties
• to deputise as Organist for services in the absence of the Director of Music
• to play voluntaries after the service and music as the congregation gathers before the service
• to contribute to the choice of music in church services
• to play for weddings and funerals (paid - shared with the Director of Music)
• to understand that responsibility for worship and musical content within services ultimately rests with the Incumbent.
• the Assistant Organist should be a baptised Christian
Other details:
The church uses Hymns Old and New and the choir sings a few different mass settings through the year to give seasonal variety.
The estimated income only includes playing for Sunday services - additional income may be available from funerals and weddings, especially if you are available to play midweek.
In the current pattern of services, the choir and organ lead the music on three Sundays each month (2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays) while the 5th Sunday rotates around each of our five churches. Over August, there is only a single Holy Communion service in one of the Benefice churches. This means that there are typically 34 Sundays expected, and an assumption that you will ask for up to 4 of these Sundays off each year, but these must avoid Christmas, Holy Week and Easter. Considered on an annual basis, the £1000 payment amounts to somewhere around £33 per service.
The £1000 fee is paid in two £500 cheques or bank transfers made at 6 monthly intervals.