Revd Nnamdi Maduka
01189 977988
Parish Church, The Street
Waltham St Lawrence
RG10 0JD
Musical Requirements:
• Duties: to play for Thursday choir practice, for one Sunday service (CW Communion, or Morning Worship, or BCP Choral Evensong), and at occasional festivals (Ash Weds, Holy Week, Ascension Day, Carol Service etc).
• Weddings and Funerals in addition (fees apply).
• Fine ‘Father’ Willis 2-manual organ, well maintained.
• Robed SATB choir (and Junior Choir, run separately), supplemented by visiting singers for monthly Choral Evensong and twice-yearly cathedral visits.
• Musical and worship style is mainstream/traditional, with opportunities to broaden range of music, and be involved in youth music, concerts, our annual Choral Festival etc.
• Grade 7+ or equivalent standard. Student organists receiving tuition also considered.
Other details:
Our friendly and active village church community has a strong musical & choral tradition, enthusiastically supported by congregation and clergy. Due to retirement in June, we are looking for an Organist to work with our Music Director to continue building our musical capabilities in support of worship.