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1539 results found - Displaying page 1 of 52

A Babe is Born
Composer: Gustav Holst
Editor - Arranger: Denis Mason
Voicing: SA Men accompanied.
Season: Christmas

An Oven Ready (not PLUS) arrangement.

Backing Track

As it is difficult to follow a backing track with subtle variations of tempo, the only tempo change in this track is a slow down near the end.




A Babe is Born
Composer: Frederick Bridge
Editor - Arranger: Denis Mason
Voicing: SA Men or unison accompanied. Flexible.
Season: Christmas
A Boy is Born in Bethlehem
Composer: Samuel Scheidt
Editor - Arranger: Denis Mason
Voicing: SSA Men unaccompanied.
Season: Christmas
A Brighter Dawn is Breaking
Composer: Johann Pachelbel
Editor - Arranger: Philip Norman
Voicing: Unison with organ accompaniment.
Season: Easter

An Oven Ready Plus arrangement.

Backing Track

The backing track has a short introduction not shown in the score.

As it is difficult to follow a backing track with subtle variations of tempo, the only tempo change in this track is a slow down near the end.

The unison melody line.

A Child in Bethlehem
Composer: Manx Traditional
Editor - Arranger: Denis Mason
Voicing: 1 - 4 parts accompanied or unaccompanied. Flexible.
Season: Christmas
A Child to Us is Born
Composer: Johann Kuhnau
Editor - Arranger: Denis Mason
Voicing: SAA Men
Season: Christmas
A Child to us is Born
Composer: J Kuhnau
Editor - Arranger: Denis Mason
Voicing: SA Men accompanied.
Season: Christmas
A Communion Meditation
Composer: Hazel Hudson
Editor - Arranger: None
Voicing: Unison or SATB with optional descant. Accompanied
Season: General, Passiontide, Communion
Description: Comments:
A Good Friday Encounter
Composer: Hazel Hudson
Editor - Arranger: None
Voicing: Unison (with characters)
Season: Passiontide, Good Friday
Description: This is a full score. Find a voice-parts only score HERE

This setting incorporates "The Lyke Wake Dirge".

A Heritage of Hope
Composer: Sally DeFord
Editor - Arranger: None
Voicing: SSA accompanied
Season: General, Home, Family, Children
A Man There Lived in Galilee
Composer: Philip Spratley
Editor - Arranger: None
Voicing: SA Men accompanied
Season: General
A New Commandment
Composer: Barbara Honeyball
Editor - Arranger: None
Voicing: S or SA accompanied. Flexible
Season: General
A New Commandment
Composer: William Mundy
Editor - Arranger: Denis Mason
Voicing: SAA Men unaccompanied
Season: General, Passiontide
A Passiontide Farewell
Composer: Hazel Hudson
Editor - Arranger: Hazel Hudson
Voicing: Unison Accompanied with optional Descant. Flexible
Season: Passiontide
A Pathway of Peace
Composer: David Beatty
Voicing: Unison Accompanied
Description: Unison, accompanied
A Prayer for Guidance
Composer: Dick Sanderman
Editor - Arranger: None
Voicing: Unison or SA Men accompanied. Flexible
Season: General
A Prayer for St Frances
Composer: Clive Walkley
Editor - Arranger: None
Voicing: Unison accompanied
Season: General
A Safe Stronghold
Composer: Martin Luther
Editor - Arranger: Philip Norman
Voicing: SA Men accompanied or unaccompanied
Season: General
A Safe Stronghold Our God is Still
Composer: Michael Praetorius
Editor - Arranger: Denis Mason
Voicing: For SA Men unaccompanied
Season: General
A Song for Palm Sunday
Composer: Hazel Hudson
Editor - Arranger: None
Voicing: Unison or SA Men accompanied. Flexible
Season: Lent, Passiontide
A Sound of Angels
Composer: Christopher Tye
Editor - Arranger: Denis Mason
Voicing: SA Men unaccompanied.
Season: Christmas
A Star Shone so Brightly
Composer: Norman Rutherford
Editor - Arranger: None
Voicing: S or SS or SA or SA Men accompanied. Flexible
Season: Christmas
A Tender Rose
Composer: J Hubert Smith
Editor - Arranger: None
Voicing: SATB unaccompanied or accompanied
Season: Christmas
A Tender Shoot
Composer: Otto Goldschmidt
Editor - Arranger: Denis Mason
Voicing: SAA Men unaccompanied
Season: Christmas
A Virgin Most Pure
Composer: Traditional English
Editor - Arranger: Philip Norman
Voicing: SA Men unaccompanied or accompanied
Season: Christmas

The vocal parts of this arrangement are the same as those of the arrangement above, but this is an a cappella version.

A Virgin Most Pure
Composer: Traditional English
Editor - Arranger: Philip Norman
Voicing: SA Men accompanied
Season: Christmas

An Oven Ready (not PLUS) arrangement.

Backing Track




Abba, Father
Composer: Christopher Hinkins
Editor - Arranger: None
Voicing: SA Men accompanied.
Season: General
Abide With Me
Composer: Sterndale Bennett
Editor - Arranger: Denis Mason
Voicing: SAA Men unaccompanied
Season: General, Funerals
Above All Praise and Majesty
Composer: F Mendelssohn
Editor - Arranger: Denis Mason
Voicing: SA Men accompanied.
Season: General, Ascension
Acclamations for a Communion Service
Composer: Kevin Deegan
Voicing: SA Men Accompanied C Minor
Season: General